In a new interview with Jason Ritter (Mark Cyr), that was published by USAToday some hours ago, Jason talks about his charachter, the members of his cast and how it's to work on the show. The interview contains spoilers for tonights/tomorrow night's episode of Parenthood so if you don't want to get spoiled, Watch out!!!  Here's a bit of the interview: 
Has this been the most rewarding season of the show for you so far?

Yeah, I mean last season was really great, too, and Lauren and I got to work on the conflicts of being a new couple. But this is the first time that there's been a real big threat and Mark's had to stand up for himself. Last season, Seth came back, but Mark sort of backed off and let her handle it. This is a new and active threat, and so it's been really fun and we get to see a little bit more of Mark's personality. When you move in with someone, there are a lot less places to hide away, so some of the darker stuff does come out and it's been a lot of fun.

Check out the whole interview HERE!!!! 

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