Three days ago Ausiello had his latest, ask Ausiello in which Parenthood was featured and boy did he have some juicy spoilers or what?? Now I know that not all of you want to read spoilers so I've made the text white! Just Highlight it from HERE 

Question: This season of Parenthood has been amazing so far. Any hope that more episodes will be ordered? Please say this could/will happen! —Joy
Ausiello: Sadly, it could not and will not happen. NBC has already announced that its passing the to Smash in early February, which puts Parenthood‘s Season 4 finale in late January. Now brace yourself — I’ve got some Defcon 1-level scoop for ya: One character is going to cheat on his/her significant other, and another character will learn she is pregnant. And the two stories may or may not be related

TO HERE!! If you wanna read it!!!!  So if you read the spoilers, which charachters do you think it's about? leave your answer in the comments!! 


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